Apart​hotel Boquete

Veranstaltungen in Boquete

Calendar kindly provided by Rick Dunn

Track name EB and The Satellites ft. Suzy Moore
00:00/ 00:10
Boquete Music Events - EB and the Satellites

​Bitte besuchen Sie englischsprachige Seite für das Musikprogramm der Woche

Other events

​January 11 - 21, 2023

​Bo​quete Fl​​ower and Coffee Fair


​Bo​quete Fl​​ower and Coffee Fair

Das Ausstellungsgelände bleibt geöffnet, der reduzierte Eintrittspreis ist  $1.25

The ​Bo​quete Fl​​ower and Coffee Fair Grounds are always open to the public

​Boquete Nature and Music Festival

Feb 9 - 11, 2024

​Boquete Nature and Music Festival​​​

​Bo​quete Orchideen Ausstellung

​Bo​quete Expo de Orquidias            28 de Marzo - 7 de Abril, 2024

BCP  (Boquete Centro de Eventos SA) 
is the home of the
Tuesday Market , Community Chats and Theatrical productions.

​"Enriching the life of the Boquete Community through the
Arts, Entertainment, Community Events, and Services."